Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Molly Stuhlsatz

Molly Stuhlsatz headshot

Research Scientist & Assistant Director

Molly Stuhlsatz is a Research Scientist and the Assistant Director at BSCS Science Learning. She has dedicated over 15 years to leading research and evaluation projects at the organization. As the co-chair of the Equity and Social Justice working group, she is also deeply invested in BSCS’s work toward a more equitable, inclusive, and just future for all science teachers and learners.

Currently, Molly serves as PI on an NSF study assessing the efficacy of Data Nuggets, innovative student activities that integrate quantitative reasoning skills in secondary science classrooms. This partnership with the Beacon Center for the Study of Evolution in Action at Michigan State University extends a successful NSF GK-12 project to a new phase of research and dissemination. She also serves as co-PI on two NSF studies that uses lexical analysis and machine learning models to score teacher pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and student argumentation assessments. These projects include collaborations with Michigan State and Stanford University. This work has the potential to provide an alternative to time- and resource-consuming hand-scoring of open-ended assessment items. Molly is also the co-PI on a study of the Model Based Biology (MBER) curriculum materials, a collaboration between BSCS and UC Davis.

Molly holds a BA in Sociology and an MA in Sociology from the University of Colorado. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her daughters Adeline and Eleanor, gardening, knitting, and riding vintage Vespa and Lambretta motor scooters.

Read Molly Stuhlsatz's vitae