Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Richard A. Cardullo

Richard A. Cardullo headshot.

Howard H Hays Chair, University Honors

Interim Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education

Undergraduate Education Professor

University of California Riverside 

Richard A. Cardullo, Ph.D., is currently the Interim Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education, the Howard H Hays Chair of University Honors, and a Professor of Biology at the University of California, Riverside.

As a cell biologist and biophysicist, he investigates the molecular events that result in the communication between sperm and eggs that lead to fertilization.

He is also involved in a number of K-12 science activities and is engaged in educational research projects centered on improving student learning and engagement.

Dr. Cardullo originally joined the BSCS Board of Directors in 2007 and served as Board Chair from 2009-2015. He returned to the Board as Vice Chair in 2018.

-- Read about Dr. Cardullo's selection as a Vision and Change Leadership Fellow.