Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Access Fund

Though BSCS has developed a growing suite of powerful programs, we face a persistent challenge: bringing these science learning opportunities to the teachers and students who need them most. That’s why we created the Access Fund in 2021. It is designed to connect our proven programs with schools and districts that are being left behind. Your contribution to the Access Fund brings the best in science education to teachers and students in need.

Examples of Potential Impact:

  • A $5,000 gift will support 2 teachers with a year of BSCS’s transformational STeLLA professional learning program. STeLLA has been shown to significantly improve teaching practices and student outcomes in science.
  • A $25,000 gift will support a district’s efforts to build internal leadership capacity for science education reform. Our institute prepares leaders to help teachers navigate challenging science standards and implement new classroom materials.
  • A $50,000 gift will support a district or school with a year of collaborative professional learning for a cohort of science teachers. Our program will support teachers’ enactment of new instructional materials designed to change how students learn and use science throughout their lives.

Other ways to support BSCS


AmazonSmile donates .5% of your purchase price to BSCS (at no additional cost to you) on qualifying Amazon purchases. Shop now. 

Colorado Gives Day:

Colorado Gives Day occurs every December as a statewide movement that celebrates and increases philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. Learn more about Colorado Gives Day and how you can support BSCS Science Learning's work here. 


Take a look at our Bonfire store today for one-of-a-kind sweatshirts, tote bags, shirts, hats, and more. Proceeds from your purchase directly support our mission of transforming science teaching and learning through research-driven innovation! Shop now 

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Access Fund

Support the work we do!


For more information, please contact Lauren Novo.