Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

BSCS Science Learning and Kendall Hunt Announce New High School Biology Program

September 14, 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Sept. 15, 2021 – BSCS Science Learning and Kendall Hunt are pleased to announce BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life, the next generation in a line of BSCS Biology programs. This newest offering meets the needs of a changing discipline and is ready for implementation now through a staged release process during the 2021-22 school year.

Understanding for Life advances the mission of BSCS to transform science teaching and learning through research-driven innovation by integrating the three-dimensional disciplinary shifts called for in the latest Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

This full-year, high school level biology program presents inquiry-based, research-driven curriculum that has been designed for the (NGSS). Real-world phenomena and challenges motivate learning of scientific concepts and practices, enabling students to build a deep understanding of life science that will serve them for life. Understanding for Life's labs, activities and assessments build 21st century collaboration skills while allowing teachers to track students' progress toward science learning outcomes.

BSCS Executive Director Danny Edelson said, "This program is the next step for BSCS and for high school biology teachers across the country. In it, we have combined the rigor and inquiry that teachers expect from BSCS with the three-dimensional pedagogical approach called for by the Next Generation Science Standards."

"Throughout the years, Kendall Hunt has been proud to work with BSCS to emphasize the development of students' problem-solving and inquiry skills through programs such as A Human Approach and Science Tracks," said Kendall Hunt K-12 Vice President Charley Cook. "The addition of Understanding for Life strengthens our science offerings as well as meets the needs of classrooms nationwide."


Check out the full program overview and request a sample.


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