Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Elementary school student examining a sample of sand.

BSCS Science Learning Videoverse

Videos of science classrooms provide opportunities for rich analysis of classroom instruction, teacher moves, and student thinking. BSCS Science Learning has made our best K-12 videos and associated resources freely available for teacher learning and growth.

Explore what BSCS Videoverse has to offer!

BSCS Videoverse takes you inside classrooms with a growing collection of 2-20 minute video clips spanning a variety of topics including:

  • Science Discipline
  • Science Topic
  • Grade Band & Grade Level
  • Activity Focus
  • Science and Engineering Practice
  • Crosscutting Concept

Many videos also come with associated resources, including: transcripts with context for the video content, lesson plans, student handouts, and other teacher materials.

Who will benefit from BSCS Videoverse?

We launched BSCS Videoverse to support a variety of science educator audiences:

  • preservice teacher educators using video resources in their teacher preparation programs,
  • teachers looking to enhance their own instructional practices,
  • professional learning leaders working with a group of science teachers, and
  • researchers considering growth in student understanding or the impact of different teacher moves in classroom settings.

Register for BSCS Videoverse

BSCS Videoverse is free for a limited time with coupon code: FREEACCESS