Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

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Math/Science Teacher Leadership Synthesis Project

Developing math/science teacher leadership: A consensus approach to evaluating program quality

The purpose of this synthesis project is to build consensus on the key attributes of high-quality math/science teacher leadership development programs. High quality teacher leadership programs are those that prepare and support teachers to positively impact math/science teaching and learning beyond their own classrooms. The three major objectives of the project are to:

  1. Review research on math/science teacher leadership development and descriptions of existing programs;
  2. Bring together a group of knowledgeable practitioners, researchers and policymakers to build consensus on key attributes of quality programs; and
  3. Communicate the consensus attributes along with recommendations for implementation and future work to stakeholders.

The reports from this project include:

A Synthesis of Math/Science Teacher Leadership Development Programs: Consensus Findings and Recommendations

This document captures the synthesis of findings from the research and program review and symposium proceedings, and serves as the primary report from this project.

Math/Science Teacher Leadership Development: Findings from Research and Program Reviews

This document describes the review of a selection of teacher leadership development research studies and programs, and serves as a supplemental resource to the synthesis report. The codebook for the review of programs and research is available here.

Developing Math/Science Teacher Leadership: Symposium Proceedings

This document captures the discussions and findings from the symposium of experts in math and science teacher leadership development.

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (ECR-1534698). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.