Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Professional Development Provider Institutes

Each Professional Development (PD) Provider Institute is a 4-day experience designed to support you as a PD provider by deepening your knowledge, increasing your confidence, and enhancing your abilities to support the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards and the recommendations put forth in A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas in Science Teaching. The entire program generally consists of a series of four institutes.

The typical series of institutes includes:

  • Institute 1: Developing and Using Models (Practice 2)
  • Institute 2: Analyzing and Interpreting Data, Constructing Explanations and Engaging in Argument from Evidence (Practices 4, 6, and 7)
  • Institute 3: Asking Questions and Planning Investigations (Practices 1 and 3)
  • Institute 4: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information (Practices 7 and 8)

Who should participate?

  • Science supervisors
  • K-12 teacher leaders
  • Science consultants
  • University faculty

What are the benefits?

By participating in this Institute, PD providers will

  • enhance their understanding of the research and literature underpinning the NGSS and be better able to support teachers’ translation of research into the classroom,
  • deepen their understanding of all eight scientific and engineering practices laid out in the NGSS, and
  • be part of a community that can support PD providers’ work.

After participating in the program, PD providers will be able to

  • plan, lead, and evaluate workshops that help teachers use scientific practices in their classrooms;
  • use a variety of “close-to-the-classroom” strategies to support teachers as they use the scientific practices in their classrooms;
  • make adjustments to plans based on data and understandings about change; and
  • increase intentionality in leadership practices.


Details vary for each institute. Currently, there are no Professional Development Provider Institutes available for registration. Join our E-mail list to stay informed on upcoming programs.


For more information, please contact Charlotte Hardwicke.