Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Invitations to Inquiry with FieldScope: Free Professional Learning

BSCS Science Learning is offering a free professional learning (PL) opportunity with our new Invitations to Inquiry with FieldScope lesson materials, which get students working with real-world data from citizen science projects using FieldScope .

Invitations to Inquiry with FieldScope are 2–4 class period environmental science instructional materials that provide educators and students an initial experience with asking and answering questions by analyzing environmental community and citizen science (CCS) data. They are also designed to support educators and students in sensemaking using scientific data, making progress toward the NGSS practices of analyzing and interpreting data and constructing explanations.


The current opportunity for PL is an online, self-paced course and is free and open to any educators interested in community and citizen science and/or using data in your classrooms or informal settings.

This course will take approximately 3–4 hours to complete. It is located here  --please be sure to sign up  so we can keep a record of who completes the course.


Which topics do the materials cover?

Check out all 12 Invitations to Inquiry with FieldScope.

What is FieldScope?

FieldScope is BSCS Science Learning’s platform for citizen and community science projects. With FieldScope’s interactive platform, organizers of field studies can leverage sophisticated graphing and mapping visualization tools and resources to enhance their existing and planned citizen science projects.

Algal bloom on the bay.

Online Course

Let us know you want to take the online course!


For more information, please contact Audrey Mohan.