Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

STeLLA Online Program

STeLLA Online: A Highly Successful Video-based Professional Learning Model in an Online Environment

Calling all Elementary Teachers!

BSCS Science Learning invites you to participate in our nationally-recognized professional learning (PL) program, STeLLA® (Science Teachers Learning from Lesson Analysis). We've translated research into practice by creating a fully online version of STeLLA - that is now available to elementary teachers across the country!

STeLLA supports teachers in learning to use effective teaching strategies through a powerful video-based lesson analysis approach. This research-based program has demonstrated impacts on both teacher and student learning above and beyond any impacts from a traditional science teacher professional learning program.

Elementary teachers who want to implement research-based curriculum and improve their teaching have something to gain from STeLLA. And so do their students.

The cost to participate is $1,820. Secure your spot in STeLLA Online. Space is limited!

Why Participate?

  • STeLLA builds a sense of community among educators.
  • Participants will become more effective and confident science teachers.
  • STeLLA significantly increases student achievement in science.
  • STeLLA accelerates learning...which is especially valuable in a time when a lot of learning has been lost.
  • The program is fully online, allowing teachers to participate from anywhere.

What's Required?

Participating teachers commit to approximately 90 hours PL spread across the summer and 2021-2022 school year.

  • In the summer, participants must complete 10 online modules, containing asynchronous assignments and synchronous sessions held via Zoom:
    • complete approximately 4 hours of asynchronous work each week for 10 weeks, and
    • participate in ten 2-hour synchronous sessions.
  • In the fall semester 2021, participants must:
    • teach 7 Earth’s Changing Surface lessons provided by BSCS (each lesson is approximately 45 minutes in length),
    • film themselves teaching one of the Earth’s Changing Surface lessons, and
    • participate in five 2-hour synchronous sessions held via zoom discussing their own video and the videos of their peers enrolled in the course.
  • In the spring semester 2022, participants must:
    • teach 6 Water Cycle lessons with main learning goals and activities provided by BSCS (each lesson is approximately 45 minutes in length),
    • complete asynchronous assignments (approximately 1.5 hours per week for five weeks), and
    • participate in six 2-hour synchronous sessions.

About the PL Opportunity

There’s been a lot of buzz about the STeLLA PL model (check out this EdWeek article) and with good reason. STeLLA is based on a 17-year line of research and development and has demonstrated significant impacts on science teaching and student achievement in science.

We’ve translated research into practice by developing this new online model. Now, teachers across the country, in rural and urban areas alike, can take part in this exciting professional learning experience.

Teacher Recertification Credits

Participating teachers will receive up to 89.5 total hours of credit (based on actual participation). We will provide each teacher with a certificate of participation and will detail each teacher’s dates of participation. Teachers may be able to use the certificate toward recertification, depending on district policies.


Secure your spot in STeLLA Online. Space is limited!

The STeLLA Effect

Learn more about STeLLA's impact.


For more information, please contact Renee DeVaul.